
Diggin Diggies – Triangle column


Julian Assange & WikiLeaks


Three Recommendations for your Summer Reading Pile, Arena Online, 16 Dec 2022

A Secret Australia: Revealed by the WikiLeaks exposés edited by Felicity Ruby and Peter Cronau. Monash University Publishing, December 2020

The Long Night Before Dawn: The Assange Appeal, Arena Online, 10 Nov 2021

Kafka Sunday Morning Coming Down: Why Julian Assange is Still Caged, Arena Online, 22 Jan 2021

Kafka on Steroids: Summarising the Extradition Hearing of Julian Assange, Arena Online, 8 October2020

Kafka On Acid:The trial of Julian Assange, Arena Online 17 September 2020

Australia has abandoned him, ExBerlinner, 11 September 2020

Journalists Must Pay Attention to Julian Assange, New Internationalist, 31 October 2020

May Curious Eyes Never Run Dry, Arena Magazine 160, June 2019

Assange Behind Bars, Arena Magzine 162, October 2019

The Persecution of Julian Assange is not Feminist, it’s Political, 22 June 2015, Crikey

Assange Counts Down to SwedenNew Matilda, March 2012

Surveillance & Digital Rights 

Silent Partners: US bases in Australia, Australian Foreign Affairs 8, February 2020

Minding the Gap: Peace Pilgrims’ face seven years’ jail for protesting Pine Gap’s global surveillance capabilities, Arena Magazine No. 149, 08/2017-0/9-2017. pp 8-10

Photos provided for Landscapes of Secret Power by Richard Tanter, Arena Magazine No. 148

Comparative Silence’ Still?: Journalism, Academia, and The Five Eyes of Edward Snowden, Felicity Ruby, Gerard Goggin, and John Keane (Sydney) ‘Journalism, Citizenship and Surveillance Society’, special issue of Digital Journalism, edited by Karin Wahl-Jorgensen, Lucy Bennett, Arne Hintz and Lina Dencik

Greening the Internet, Chain Reaction Edition 125, November 2015

Five Eyes Over the Planet: Mass Surveillance, Espionage and Global Governance of the Internet‘ Linea Sur 9 ingles_FINAL 2 LÍNEASUR, Foreign Policy Journal of Ecuadorian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Issue 9, January/April, 2015 (Vol. III, Issue 9, January-April, 2015)

Criminalising Journalism – the case of Barrett Brown, November 2014

Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Bill (DRIP) – legislating the indefensible, July 2014

Women & Peace

‘Security Council Resolution 1325: A Tool for Conflict Prevention?’ Chapter in Rethinking Peacekeeping, Gender Equality and Collective Security, London: Palgrave Macmillian, September 2014

‘Beyond Armistice – Women searching for Enduring Peace’, Open Democracy, September 2014

Getting it Right, Doing it Right:  Gender and Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, (ed), October 2004, UNIFEM, New York

Women, Peace and Security: Resolution 1325, interview in International Feminist Journal of Politics, March 2004.

Nongovernmental Organizations’ Role in the Buildup and Implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, summer 2003. Signs 28: 1255-1269.

Gender, Development and Peace, United Nations University Global Seminar, Third Kanazawa Session 2003,

The Elusive Role of Women in Early Warning and Conflict PreventionConflict Trends, 3/2003, co-edited this issue on Women, Peace and Security.

Gender, peace and disarmament and ‘Women’s contribution to conflict prevention, early warning and disarmament’ Disarmament Forum, Issue 4, 2003, assisted Editor in planning this issue on Women, Men, Peace and Security

‘Women are Opening Doors: Security Council Resolution 1325 in Afghanistan’ in Women for Afghan Women: Shattering Myths and Claiming the Future, 2002, Palgrave MacMillan, New York.

Women and Peace in the United NationsNew Routes: A Journal of Peace Research and Action, Volume 6, Number 3, 2001.

Nuclear Free

My visit to Fukushima, New Matilda, January 2012

Do Nuclear Safeguards Work? New Matilda, Nov 2011

Will Dig it up Fergo Get His Way? New Matilda, Nov 2011

The relevance of gender for eliminating weapons of mass destruction, in Beyond Arms Control, March 2010

Australia’s Disarmament Record, in Australia and the United Nations: Annual Report Card 2007, UN Association, Australia, April 07

Securing our Survival (SOS): The Case for a Nuclear Weapons Convention, April 2007, principle author

The relevance of gender for eliminating WMD, with Carol Cohn and Sarah Ruddick, prepared for the Commission on Weapons of Mass Destruction chaired by Dr. Hans Blix

Chernobyl: Environmental, Health and Human Rights Implications, (ed) Permanent People’s Tribunal, IPB, 1997.

 Lessons from Past UN Disarmament Education Efforts, with Edith Ballantyne, Disarmament Forum, Issue 3/2001.

Amputating RealismNuclear Weapons Convention Monitor, Issue 2/2001.

Down in the Dumps in the Nuclear AgeNuclear Weapons Convention Monitor, Issue 1/2000.


Confronting State Capture, with Scott Ludlam and Michelle Fahy, Australian Democracy Network, 15  February 2022

16 Days in Australian Politics – A long 3 Years Ahead, Open Democracy, September 2013

NGOs and the Security CouncilDisarmament Forum, Issue 1/2001.

Tips for Lobbying, Ms Magazine, April/May 2000.

The Military Staff Committee: A possible role in future UN peacekeeping operations?, Global Policy Forum, 2000

All the way with NVA, chapter co-authored with Ian Cohen, in Green Fire, 1996, Harper Collins, Australia – p. 271