- Alexander Cadogan described intelligence as the “missing dimension of diplomatic history,”
- Researchers are unraveling questions of org structure and behaviour, cultural analysis and even foreign language competency.” The field is dominated by historical study on one side of the Atlantic and normative political and policy analysis on the other.” P. 3
- Sea change noted, ‘underhanded nature of espionage meant that intelligence was not quite a respectable sphere of study for academics.” This changed by 9/11 and furours over the role of intelligence in the US decision to invade Iraq in 2003.
- Comparative analysis of intelligence institutions and processes needs to be properly examined. Which is easier in intelligence as functions and components are a common set of activities, “certain basic tasks – requirements, collection, analysis and dissemination – constitution common problems for doing intelligence.” P 7
- “…basic functional tasks that can be chopped, changed, and redistributed, but without which intelligence, however, organized and institutionalized, cannot happen.p.8
- “Information must be acquired from sources, exfiltrated, evaluated for both truthfulness and content if true; fragmentary reporting must be collated, and its net meaning and implications must be identified.” P. 8
- John J Dziak coined the phrase “counterintelligence states” in “Chekisty: A history of the KGB (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1985}