
Is Resistance Futile?

Framing resistance challenges assumptions that opposition to surveillance is nearly always framed through a traditional civil liberties lens.

The Spy Catcher Trial

ASIO and Defence saw this as a chance to show their loyalty to Britain and the western intelligence “club”.

The Agony of Power & From Domination to Hegemony

We are exiting a system of domination (slavery, obedience, alienation) and entering into expansive world of hegemony in which everyone becomes hostage and accomplice of the global power

Excerpts from How to Make Trouble and Influence People

Brisbane 1912: In protest at restrictions on public speaking two men dressed as Cossacks and bound with red gags come tearing down Queen Street on horseback. Upon their backs reads the message, ‘Sorry to say can’t speak to you today – Police Commissioner Cahill won’t...

Cold war intelligence defectors

A defector is an individual who is either and intelligence officer or has worked as a cooptee for an intelligence agency, or a valuable asset, valuable enough to merit political asylum

Brave New World

The world was full of fathers – was therefore full of misery.