The East bloc won the spy wars but lost the Cold War
The End of Secrecy
After all, what did the Cold War teach us, if not the fundamental instability of closed regimes?
Cultures of Spying
The left was suspicious of the CIA , “not because it advanced American values, but because it stood in contradiction to them.”
Rooted in Secrecy: the clandestine element in Australian politics
Under the facade of a democratic system, the work of secret police snoopers is to intimidate dissent elements. Under overt repression, such as fascism, they terrorise. There is no difference in basic purpose, only in degree.
Between the Eyes
Increasingly, those who control technology control information, and those who control information, manage consent
Knowing the Self, Knowing the Other: The Comparative analysis of security intelligence
Provides 5 grounds for doing comparative analysis
Intelligence Ethics: Laying a foundation for the second oldest profession
Ethics is the study of moral logic and paradigms, but it not just lists of rules or laws. If ethics where that simple, attorneys would have a different reputations.